Reception | 0131 664 2166 |
NHS Lothian | 0131 275 6000 |
Out of Hours /NHS 24 | 111 |
Community Staff
District Nurses (available between 8am & 4.30pm Monday to Friday (after 4.30pm, weekends and public holidays, please contact NHS 24 on 111) | 0131 672 9535 |
Health Visitors | 0131 672 9511 |
Midwives | 0131 672 9457 |
Other useful numbers
Link living – Support Services | 0330 303 0302 |
Lothian Sexual Health | 0131 536 1070 |
Mental Health Assessment Service | 0131 537 6000 |
Podiatry | 0131 536 1627 |
NHS Lothian Registration department | 0131 537 8488 |
Quit Your Way – Stop Smoking help | 0800 84 84 84 |
South East Recovery Hub drop in @ Liberton/ Gilmerton | 0131 661 5294 |
Travel Clinic at NHS Lothian Western General Hospital | 0131 537 2822 |
VOCAL-Family Support for family and friends & Carers | 0131 622 6666 |